Showing posts with label Constants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constants. Show all posts

Monday, 18 February 2019

Constants in C

What are constants?
Constants in C are the fixed values that are used in a program, and its value remains the same during the entire execution of the program.
Example: 9,3.14,'T' etc.
Points to remember:
· Constants can be of any of the basic data types like an integer constant, a floating constant, a character constant, or a string literal. There are enumeration constants as well.
· Constants are also called literals.
· It is considered best practice to define constants using only upper-case names.
How to define constants?
In C program we can define constants in two ways as shown below:
  1. Using #define preprocessor directive
  2. Using const keyword

1).Using #define preprocessor directive

This directive used to declare an alias name for existing variable or any value. We can use this to declare a constant as shown below:

#define IDENTIFIERNAME value
where IDENTIFIERNAME is the name given to constant and value is any value assigned to it.
Below is the C program to explain how to use #define to declare constants:
#define PI 3.14

int main(){
            int radius;
            float area;    
            //Ask user for radius of the cicle
            printf("\nEnter radius of circle:");
            //calculate areaof the circle
            printf("\nArea of the circle having radius %d is %f.\n",radius,area);      
            return 0;

2).Using const keyword 
Using const  keyword to define constants is as simple as defining variables, the difference is you will have to precede the definition with a const keyword.

const dataType IDENTIFIERNAME =value;
dataType const  IDENTIFIERNAME =value;

    const float rate=12.5;

Below program shows how to use const to declare constants of different data types:

int main(){
            const float PI=3.14;
            int radius;
            float area;
            //Ask user for radius of the cicle
            printf("\nEnter radius of circle:");
            //calculate areaof the circle
            printf("\nArea of the circle having radius %d is %f.\n",radius,area);      
            return 0;

Types of constants
1).Integer Constants
An integer is a numeric constant (associated with number) without any fractional or exponential part. There are three types of integer constants in C programming:
·                     decimal constant(base 10)
·                     octal constant(base 8)
·                     hexadecimal constant(base 16)

2. Floating-point constants

A floating point constant is a numeric constant that has either a fractional form or an exponent form.

3. Character constants

A character constant is created by enclosing a single character inside single quotation marks.Character constants have a specific set of integer values known as ASCII values (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).
Example: '9', 'T', ';'


4. String Literals

A string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in double-quote marks. For example:
Example: "Techabaya", "2019".

Please comment if you find anything incorrect, or you want to improve the topic discussed above..